S. Korea adopts resolution urging Japan's Rising Sun flag to be banned at 2020 Tokyo Olympics

2019-09-30 1 Dailymotion

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South Korea's National Assembly has adopted a resolution urging Olympics officials to ban use of Japan's imperial Rising Sun flag... during 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
At a plenary session on Monday, 1-hundred--96 out of 1-hundred-99 lawmakers in attendance voted for the resolution... which states that the use of the Rising Sun flag in the Olympics will bring back painful memories of Japan's past militarism and imperialism to countries that suffered due to Japan.
The flag was used by the Japanese army during the invasion of East Asia in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
The resolution, submitted by the parliament's culture and sports committee, urges for the use of the Rising Sun flag to be banned within the Olympic stadiums as well as on uniforms or any kind of Olympic goods.
