Seoul's finance minister urges swift resolution of Japan's export restrictions on S. Korea during meeting with U.S. Treasury Secy. Mnuchin

2019-10-18 15 Dailymotion

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South Korean Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Hong Nam-ki met with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in Washington, D.C. and called for the swift resolution of Japan's export restrictions on South Korea as it could disrupt the global value chain.
During a meeting with the U.S. Treasury Secretary, Seoul's finance chief expressed his concern regarding the escalating trade tensions between South Korea and Japan... adding he hopes the two countries will be able to resolve the issue through dialogue and diplomatic efforts in the nearest possible future.
Seoul's finance ministry said... Treasury Secretary Mnuchin made note of the active communication and cooperation between Seoul and Washington ahead of the U.S. regular foreign exchange report and highly assessed Seoul's efforts for tranparent foreign exchange policy.
